Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Looks

One thing I have absolutely loved about being here in SC is the amazingly talented people I've been surrounded by, from badass Video Producers, to Illustrators, the people I rollerblade with are truely genuine/talented people.

Recently, I hit up friend Nicholas Pecararo about maybe creating a new lion for my the blog, and boy did he come thru, I did the layout and added the text but this lion Nick drew is perfect:

Ideas For Lions

Nick has an amazing talent and I wish he had a link to his work so I could show you guys, his sketches/illustrations are just out of this literally. I'm sure we'll be working together/skating again in the near future so be on the lookout!

Thanks Mr. P, you are the doo doo.

1 comment:

Oli said...

Nick is the man!