Monday, July 4, 2011

Arsenio Patterson Throwback Edit

Well this is crazy, this edit is comprised of about 2-3 years of footage we never wound up using. Originally, all of this footage was meant to head off to New York for one of Arsenio's friend's videos but its just been chillin in the archives for past 4-5 years instead.

I always hate seeing old edits where kids are so tight because you always think, 'man he used to be so good, I bet he sucks now.' Well I can assure you that is not the case with Arsenio. Over the past few years he's only been getting better. In fact, in the past month we've gotten an entire section's worth of footage that is all better this this old stuff, so stay on the lookout, because there are some radical things coming from this guy in the near future.

Anyways, without further a due here's the long lost Arsenio Patterson archive footage:

1 comment:

Nick H. said...

heck yes!!!